Remarkable Superfoods proven to boost your Child’s Health -Camu Camu berries

camu camu powder-superfood high in Vit C

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


By Geanna Georgescu

Are you looking for a powerful superfood that is not only good for you but also for your child’s health and learning? 

Camu Camu fruit is the real deal…..

A few years ago, I’ve discovered this amazing food supplement while looking for a natural source of Vitamin C. While recovering from the flu, I developed an allergic reaction allergy to the  Vitamin C supplement (synthetic ascorbic acid) I was taking.

When I learned about Camu Camu fruit and its awesome properties, no need to look any further…

Since then, I can honestly say that Camu Camu is the most effective supplement when we experience any signs of a cold or flu. It really works like a charm and ALWAYS decreases the duration of a cold. Also, for general health, we include it in our smoothies ,throughout the week.

What is Camu Camu Superfood?

Camu Camu Fruit  (Myrciaria Dubia) is originally from the Amazon rainforest in Peru and Brazil.

Camu Camu fruit is very sour in taste, very acidic , therefore is not consumed as a fruit, but in the form of juices, puree or fruit extract. 

Because of its high antioxidant properties, it is very popular in Japan and used creatively in a variety of drinks, salad dressings and sweet treats. 

 What makes Camu-Camu superfood so special for your child’s health?

 Well, these orange-red berries are one of the HIGHEST SOURCE OF VITAMIN C on the planet (after Kakadu plums) ….. plus have other essential nutrients that are a great benefit to the health of our kids.

Let’s see some facts… 

Camu Camu berries contain between 25 to 50 times more vitamin C than oranges. 

It also contains other vitamins, minerals especially calcium, phosphorus and iron as well as amino acids and antioxidants. 


Benefits of Camu Camu superfood 

  • Great anti-inflammatory properties; several studies such as the one published in the Journal of Alternative medicine, 2015 demonstrates that tropical fruit Camu-Camu (Myrciaria dubia) has valuable anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is the root of most chronic conditions starting with allergies, gut health, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many others…so the lower the inflammation in our body, the lower is the chance of developing a disease. 


  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties; helps in prevention of viral infections as well as reducing the duration of a cold or virus 
  • Promotes healthy eyesight
  • Promotes healthy brain development –helps in focus, mental clarity
  • Boosts immune system -due to the high concentration in vitamin C as well as other nutrients is helping in making your body stronger to fight infections and diseases
  • Promotes skin, muscles and bone health
  • Boosts energy levels; as it supports healthy muscles, can also enhance your overall physical performance.

  • Assist in digestion and gut health 
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immunity boosting foods-camu camu
Camu Camu Superfood -Amazing benefits for your child's health


How To use it  

Camu Camu berries are not sold in North American supermarkets, but you can find it in health food stores in the form of concentrated powder or tablets. It can be incorporated easily in drinks, smoothies, yogurt.

My personal favourite is to add 1/4-1/2 tsp it to our berry smoothies;  for picky eaters, it is the easiest way to hide the sour taste.

Please know that the common Vitamin C you find in drugstores is synthetic ascorbic acid which is mostly derived from GMO corn.

According to a post in the Healthy Home Economist, in the Wise Traditions, the 2009 edition there were 3 studies showing detrimental effects of “synthetic Vitamin C intake ” such as the formation of genotoxins that can lead to cancer.

When You Should Avoid Camu Camu

 Camu Camu itself has not been proven to have negative side effects however,  an excessive amount of vitamin C in any food or supplement, can have adverse effects like stomach disturbances or nausea. 

Note: For educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

For those taking medication, it is important to discuss taking Camu Camu powder with a  doctor to make sure large amounts of vitamin C don’t interfere with it. 



These small, brightly coloured berries are a very high source of Vitamin C which can heal our bodies in so many ways.

As it strengthens our immune system, it’s antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, improves memory and brain health, Camu Camu superfood makes an amazing addition to your children’s health, nutrition and overall learning.

Camu as well as all the other great superfoods (check my other posts on these series) and natural supplements should be added for a healthy, lifestyle to see long term effects on our health.

 Did you try Camu Camu powder? How  do you incorporate in your daily plan ? Share your comments below


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